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Anthology Open Call


TreeShaker Books produces genre fiction anthologies. We have run successful anthologies in previous years. We are currently taking submissions for Bizarre holiday tales (think comedy/horror Christmas stories like Violent Night or Gremlins). We are also collecting submissions for a a Halloween release of Anthology of the Damned 2.

Please click and complete this form in addition sending a query (include the title, genre, wordcount, etc. as well as the completed story). to TREESHAKERBOOKS@GMAIL.COM Let us know if it has been published before and send stories as a .doc or .docx file.

We are looking for short stories and novellas. Reprints are perfectly fine and works from 6k-15k (hard limit at 20k) are preferred; we will make this available as a paperback as well, meaning it will be published in perpetuity in paperback, and will remain published at least 1 year in digital format and in broad distribution (ie. you cannot enroll your story in Kindle Unlimited, however, you may continue to publish it in all formats on your own).

Our contracts are: nonexclusive, accepting of reprints, pay authors, provide realtime sales data, allow authors to purchase copies at cost for resale, and don't require advertising buy-ins... that makes us one of the most pro-author publishers in the anthology market. Because of that, we do insist that authors help market during the books release period by using their personal platforms (social media, email newsletter, etc.)

Contributors each get a share of the profits. All authors will be expected to promote via their socials and on their NL during release and the first month of publication. Contributors will have the opportunity to purchase physical editions at cost for resale at events. It will not use an Amazon ISBN and so it is a friendly purchase for those placing copies at brick and mortar stores. We use both D2D and Pubshare for all our tracking, royalties, and legal agreements; you will need an account with them (it’s free and they provide participants with real-time tracking info on sales and fulfill paperback requests for authors.) These release "wide" and on all major platforms including library availability.

We are looking for 10-20 contributors per book. The actual number depends on size and quality of submissions.

Twisted Tidings and Yuletide Wyrdings (release TBD)
-Christmas or Hannukkah theme, horror or bizarre/weird genres

-while having romance in this anthology is acceptable, it must not be the primary plot. Do not reskin a romance story to shoe-horn it into a genre for publication.
-Accepting submissions ongoing

-we may run this anthology as a Kickstarter collaboration, so experience with the platform is helpful but not required

Anthology of the Damned: Cadaverous Encyclopedium (Horror, releases Oct, 2025)
-think Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark for grownups.
-established series (unnumbered so readers can begin anywhere) of which this is the 5th
-monsters and hauntings… but it should be a horror tale, especially looking for the "campfire tale" variety.
-please, no gore and nastiness for the sake of shock factor. Blood and guts isn’t as scary as tax day... horror often (usually has it... just make sure it's appropriate to your story and not forced)
-while having romance in this anthology is acceptable, it must not be the primary plot. Do not reskin a romance story to shoe-horn it into a genre for publication.
-Accepting submissions until July 4 

(Note that all submissions are held for a period and will be read and responded to at a later date... sometimes this means a very long time may pass before you hear from us, so please whitelist us in your email provider. Responses to submissions are usually a couple weeks after the latest deadline has passed.)

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High Fantasy

In addition to the anthologies we’re producing this year, we’re also looking for another author for some high fantasy co-writing. This will be a traditionally published slot through TreeShaker Books’ Esfah Sagas series. The series was originally published by TSR and part of the D&D universe alongside Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, etc. There are 9 books currently and we hope to secure a co-writer for books 10-12. Send a query for interest (pitch yourself rather than pitching a story.)

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